Welcome to Seedy Reviews: opinions on tech through blind eyes.
This site is where I, SeedyThreeSixty, will express my honest, unbiased, humble (and sometimes not) opinions about tech products and services from a blind user’s prospective. These reviews will cover things such as stability, reliability, developer responsiveness, and of course, accessibility for blind users.
I’ve only written 2 reviews so far, but I hope to expand this number in the future. These reviews were originally on my personal Seedy Spews blog, but since the launch of Seediffusion, I thought they deserved their own special, dedicated place on the web.


I will not take sponsors or commissions for reviews. If I decide, from my own personal experience, that your product is worthy of a review, then I’ll write a review on it. I haven’t caught the sponsor disease yet, and I never will!
Click here to see the reviews.